Agents are available to assist you during hours of operation. Select a customer service department so we can best serve you.
General Banking & Loans
Blair Branch: 402-426-2111
Fort Calhoun Branch: 402-468-5411
Missouri Valley: 712-600-6922
Tekamah Branch: 402-374-2020
After Hours Assistance: 888-978-5296
Toll free during business hours: 877-372-3750
Debit Cards
Debit Card Customer Service: 402-426-2111
Report Debit Card Lost / Stolen: 800-395-0637
Credit Cards
Credit Card Customer Service: 888-295-5540
Accessibility & Technology
Hearing Impaired: We accept calls made through relay services (dial 711)
User ID/Password Assistance: 888-978-5296